Sunday, February 15, 2009

Pineapple Upside Down Cake

My Pop's favourite cake is Pineapple Upside Down cake. For years every cake came out slightly different, as we were all guessing at what Grandma Harris' method had been. She never gave anyone a recipe, but one time she let me observe her making it. It took me a while to get my own method down. It's wicked complicated to get it just so. It's a very sciencey cake!

A big pile of ingrediants.

Cooking the candy. I burned the first batch. The foul stink of burned sugar drove everyone outside even though it was below freezing out there.

Doing my Mr. Wizard thang.

I made three cakes, two with canned pineapple and one with fresh. As it turns out after going through the hellacious eight step cooking process tinned pineapple and fresh taste pretty well the same.

Finito! We got a pretty good candy to cake ratio this batch. I made another one the next day and between the five adults and one munchkin we destroyed all four cakes in no time.


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